Новости Пресс-релизы

Meeting with the Deputy Permanent Secretary of the Foreign Ministry of Thailand

22 july 2024 | Подробнее

Foreign Minister of Uzbekistan had a phone call with the Foreign Minister of Vietnam

22 july 2024 | Подробнее

Ambassador of the European Union has completed hеr diplomatic mission in Uzbekistan

17 july 2024 | Подробнее

New Deputy Foreign Minister was appointed

17 july 2024 | Подробнее

Tashkent hosted Uzbekistan-Cyprus political consultations

17 july 2024 | Подробнее

Negotiations with the President of Cyprus Chamber of Commerce and Industry

17 july 2024 | Подробнее

Meeting with the representatives of the Japanese Parliament

11 july 2024 | Подробнее

On political consultations between Foreign Ministries of Uzbekistan and Japan

11 july 2024 | Подробнее

Meeting with the State Minister for Foreign Affairs of Japan

11 july 2024 | Подробнее

Deputy Foreign Minister of Uzbekistan met with the ILO Director-General

09 july 2024 | Подробнее

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